Helm’s Crag
hiking in the hills around Coniston, you will find many sheep grazing the grassy hills. The trails are lightly worn paths in the fields. Step carefully, lest you step in IT. On this day, I was hiking with many new friends all with their own fitness levels. This playful riff was given to my friends to laugh at our journey together. I love when the Dr. Seuss that I read to the kids comes to the surface!
We are brown, black and grey
With tails we adorn
On good days we’re wooly
On bad, we’re half shorn
I bleat and I baa
Why are you here?
This grass is my grass
Make your way... disappear!
Were it just one of you
I suppose I’d just graze
But thirty, c’mon
Take your picture, don’t gaze
These hills are my hills
And I’ll crap where I like
Get off my rock cairn
And get on with your hike.
Uphills and downhills
Some hike with such ease
What ever your stride length
Just grant me my peace
It seems you were strangers
when you took to this hike
God speed on your journey
And crap where you like