
Unlike my other poetry where I attempt to rhyme with cadence, this piece emerged from the passionate tension between what I want for myself and what others expect from me. The consequences of trying to comfort others discomfort can easily destroy us.

The denial of self corrodes the very metals of my connection to life. In that denial, I am not a steward of myself, nor am I the citizen of anything else...for I can simply not be any more than I am. I can strive for a healthier me based upon perceptions of growing into a fuller revelation of myself, though I can no more wish to be what I am not, in attempts to solve a denial of self.

My words are the thoughts I can share. They are no bigger or smaller than my ability to attach myself to them. I cannot subdue my words at the expense of diminishing my existence. My words may make others uncomfortable but that is theirs to occupy. I can choose love in order that my words invite the growth that I myself would seek.

How to be with myself when I occupy my denial? First, to see self loathing for the innocent deceit that is also part of me. Second, to accept that I am more than a temporary indulgence into smallness. Third, to count on all the skills, blessing and successes that have become a very visible demonstration of my existence.

To remember the patterns that reinforce my greatness!

My ability to see myself with a grace that allows my body to dance at the music that moves me. Others might not like my music. Neither case is an indictment of poor merely celebrates the variety of humanity that we are given to embrace.


Blown Into Me

